Chevy Volt: A Tank Half Full or Half Empty?
The Chevy Volt is one upcoming green car where optimists and pessimists can find common ground. The tank should be kept half full or half empty, both are right!
What you ask? Chevy is recommending the average driver only fill the Volt's tank half full (I'm an optimist). Why? Because 80% of Americans commute less than 40 miles per day and the Volt has a 40 mile range. With these numbers most people won't be burning gas often leaving it to go stale.
Fortunately Chevy engineers have already thought of this. The gas generator will kick in while driving if it hasn't been run every 60 days. It will run for 10 minutes clearing the lines and performing some diagnostic tests. One unfortunate note is since we last covered the Volt Chevy has dropped the flex-fuel engine in the first batch.
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